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Mind•Body•Spirit Coaching

Mind · Body · Spirit Coaching is a powerful approach integrating transpersonal psychotherapy, mindfulness, energy work, and other potent practices that will deepen your self-awareness as you learn how to integrate these practices into your daily life. Through this one-on-one experience, you will learn foundational skills as well as have the opportunity to lean into areas where you feel called. 

What you will learn from this work:

  • How to set up a formal meditation practice

  • Mindfulness skills for everyday life

  • Guided meditations based on your needs

  • Breathwork practices

  • Energy management techniques

  • The neuroscience behind mindfulness and meditation

  • Ability to be the observer without judgment

  • How to notice and process emotions as they arise

  • How to work with your emotions instead of resisting them

The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

You will gain:

  • Deepening your self-awareness

  • Self-acceptance

  • Honoring your inner wisdom

  • Standing in your own truth and power

  • Strengthening your intuition

  • Speaking your truth

  • Create inner balance

  • Embracing your authentic self

  • What it means to live embodied

In our coaching sessions, we will create a sacred space for you to focus on specific goals by incorporating various healing modalities such as meditation practices, breathwork, exploring spiritual connection, mindful-living integration, and energy work. Through this transformative coaching experience, we will remove blocked energies and conditioned ways of being - allowing for more clarity and insight. You will cultivate practices to integrate into your daily life enabling you to reach your goals and live a life more fully aligned.

When we show up for ourselves and begin to incorporate these practices we are able to learn how to listen to and honor our inner wisdom, meet ourselves with acceptance and compassion, and embrace our authenticity. Designed to cultivate deep awareness - body, breath, thought, emotion - Mind · Body · Spirit Coaching enables you to truly embody these practices in order to live more fully in the present moment.

 “Soul is the individual expression of spirit, and spirit is the universal expression of soul.”

~ Anodea Judith