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Transpersonal Psychotherapy

My approach to psychotherapy is through a transpersonal lens that is holistic and relationship-focused. I will meet you wherever you are on your journey and walk alongside you as we compassionately and non-judgmentally explore all aspects of self - mind, body, spirit. Through our work with each other, you can find deep healing, transformation, and integration into wholeness. As your self-awareness deepens, you will cultivate your ability to listen to your inner wisdom, discover your true essence, and realize your human potential. 

Some of my core beliefs that guide this work:

  • All human beings have an innate capacity for healing and growth

  • People are whole beings far more than a collection of presenting symptoms

  • We all have an inner knowing, inner wisdom, to guide us

  • There is freedom in recognizing choice

  • We are capable of making great change in our lives 

  • Therapy is a collaborative process

  • The therapeutic relationship is fundamental in this transformative work

  • Each person is the expert on their own lives

  • My role as therapist is to walk alongside clients in their healing journey


This conscious-changing work can look like the following…

  • Guided visualizations and meditations

  • Body-awareness practices

  • Mindfulness practices

  • Breathwork

  • Dreamwork

  • Inner child healing

  • Processing thoughts and emotions

  • Energy healing

  • Ancestral healing

  • Shamanic Journeying

  • Releasing blocked energies

  • Exploring spiritual experiences

  • Cultivating your inner wisdom

 Curiosity without judgment leads to greater self-awareness.

~ Melissa Ann Lester